Ireland's Junior Cycle & Leaving Cert Grinds & Study Specialists

Can I buy the notes from certain subjects?
In the case where a student has paid for a term but is absent for part of it, the student is entitled to any notes missed and will receive them by arrangement with the tutor. Unfortunately, Exam Focus Ireland does not offer the sale of any subject notes as they are seen by us as a teaching resource and not a merchantable good.

Do you offer crash courses before exam times?
Exam Focus Ireland will offer intensive courses for non-exam years in October/November and for exam years in January and June. We will also offer 4-day crash courses over the Easter break. Timetables for these are usually published 3-4 weeks before commencement so check back here then to book your place, alternatively contact us today to register your interest.

How big are the classes?
Class size varies depending on the course, time of year and subject. In general our weekly grinds have a capacity of 14 students (12 for languages) and our intensives/crash courses have a capacity of 18. Exam Focus Ireland makes decisions regarding class sizes by regularly consulting subject tutors to ensure tutor-student engagement is never compromised.